"The Revival for Education"
The Revival for Education is a two-day conference focusing on coupling educator wellness and effective instruction. Wellness is defined as spiritual, mental, and physical health.
Wellness - Spiritual, Mental / Emotional, and Physical Health: A Lever for Effective "Teaching and Learning"
Spiritual Motivator: Gary Adams
Psycholocial Clinician
"Investigation / Research"
"If / Then"
The Condition of My Lever (Wellness): Inner Motivation, Volition, Willingness to Be Moved, Faith
Spiritual Motivator - Gary Adams
Psycholocial Clinician - Kweku Akyirefi Amoasi
The FAME Fudge Factory, OUISN Radio & Podcast, and The Project-based Literacy Factory
MAKE Learning Project-based Literacy System - Connecting Through My Personal Avatar
"Blackeyed Peas for the Soul"
Spiritual Motivator - Reverend Gary Adams
Psycholocial Clinician - Kweku Akyirefi Amoasi
Networking and Scheduling Extended Support