Course curriculum
Facilitator's Message and Community Agreements
Week One (May 20th - May 24th) - "Do -to - Know"
"The Cloning Project"
"The FAME Fudge Factory"
"Outlook Academy Radio & Podcast"
"The Pine Car Concept Model"
Artificial Intelligence and Learning - Create an Avatar
Week Two (May 27th - May 31st) - "Investigation and Research"
"The Cloning Project" - Literature Review, Project Alignment, and Portfolio Development
"The FAME Fudge Factory" - Literature Review, Project Alignment, and Portfolio Development
"Outlook Academy Radio and Podcast" - Literature Review, Project Alignment, and Portfolio Development
"The Pine Car Concept Model" - Literature Review, Project Alignment, and Portfolio Development
Artificial Intelligence and Learning - Literature Review, Project Alignment, and Portfolio Development
Week Three (June 3rd - June 7th) - "If / Then"
"The Cloning Project" - Synthesis, Real-World Applications, and Portfolio Development
"The Fame Fudge Factory" - Synthesis, Real-World Applications, and Portfolio Development
"Outlook Academy Radio and Podcast" - Synthesis, Real-World Applications, and Portfolio Development
"The Pine Car Concept Model" - Synthesis, Real-World Applications, and Portfolio Development
Artificial Intelligence and Learning - Synthesis, Real-World Applications, and Portfolio Development